Should You Let Your Child Play Video Games?

In today’s world, video games are an ubiquitous part of most children’s lives. However, many parents have concerns about the impacts gaming can have on their child’s health, behavior, and development. When is gaming harmless fun, versus potentially harmful? While findings are mixed, there are some clear benefits and risks to consider when deciding if and how to let your kid game.

The Appeal and Prevalence of Gaming

To begin, it helps to understand why video games enthral kids so much in the first place. Games provide interactive, immersive environments that spark imagination and provide endless stimulation. The colors, sounds, and rewards tap into pleasure centers in young developing brains. Gaming also enables social connections with friends. Given these appeals, the data shows:

  • 97% of U.S. teens play video games of some kind.
  • 90% of kids under 18 play, averaging around 2 hours of gaming per day.
  • 70% of parents believe video games have a positive influence on their child’s life.

Clearly, video games are an integral part of modern childhood. Complete abstinence from gaming is unrealistic for most kids. Moderation and balance is key.

Potential Cognitive and Social Benefits

When played in reasonable amounts, video game play can provide some cognitive, motivational and social benefits for children. Here are some of the potential upsides:

  • Hand-eye coordination – manipulating controllers and keyboards improves motor skills.
  • Spatial visualization – navigating 3D environments develops spatial cognition.
  • Problem-solving – puzzles and strategy games help build critical thinking abilities.
  • Concentration – focusing on games can improve sustained attention skills.
  • Memory – retaining instructions, narratives and sequences boosts memory capacity.
  • Social bonds – multiplayer games allow kids to cooperate and communicate with peers.
  • Stress relief – the entertainment and escapism of games provides relaxation and stress management.

Various studies support these cognitive and social benefits of gaming for kids. One study found non-violent video game play helped boost creativity, computer competency and school performance in kids aged 10-11 years. However, benefits depend greatly on game content and time limits.

Physical Health Risks of Excessive Gaming

While moderate, quality gaming has upsides, excessive gameplay can negatively impact a child’s physical health:

  • Obesity – sitting for long periods playing replaces physical activity leading to weight gain.
  • Muscular issues – poor posture and repetitive motions can overwork muscles.
  • Eyestrain – looking at screens for too long can cause dry eyes, headaches, blurry vision.
  • Sleep loss – gaming into the night disrupts healthy sleep patterns by overstimulating the brain.
  • Immune function – staying sedentary playing games increases risk of sickness.

Gaming for over 3 hours per day is associated with greater risk for various physical health problems. Ensuring kids take regular screen breaks and engage in exercise is important.

Mental Health Risks of Too Much Gaming

Excessive gaming may also negatively impact some aspects of mental health and psycho-social well-being:

  • Addiction – Kids can become so absorbed in games they neglect other activities.
  • Aggression – Violent gameplay may cause some kids to become more aggressive.
  • Social isolation – Gaming replaces in-person interactions and friendships.
  • Anxiety/depression – Kids who game excessively are more prone to mental health issues.
  • Poorer academic performance – Less time for homework due to over-gaming hurts grades.

However, outcomes vary greatly depending on the individual child. Moderating gaming habits is key to minimizing mental health risks.

Setting Limits and Rules

Given the potential benefits and risks, it’s crucial parents set limits to ensure gaming remains a healthy childhood activity. Consider setting these limits:

  • Time limits – Restrict daily or weekly gameplay hours appropriately for age.
  • Curfews – Prohibit gaming late on school nights.
  • Locations – Only allow gaming in common spaces like living rooms.
  • Breaks – Enforce regular screen breaks during longer play sessions.

Parents should also establish rules about game content and features:

  • Age ratings – Only permit age-appropriate games. Closely monitor ratings.
  • Violence levels – Avoid highly violent, mature games.
  • Online features – Manage multiplayer/online interactions cautiously.
  • In-game purchases – Prohibit spending real money without asking first.
  • Parental controls – Use console settings to restrict inappropriate games or content.

Promoting Healthy Gaming Habits

Parents can encourage healthy gaming habits in children through these methods:

  • Permit educational games and take an active interest in game content.
  • Play cooperatively with your child to strengthen your bond.
  • Suggest physical activities like sports or bike riding to balance sedentary gameplay.
  • Observe your child’s mood and behavior while gaming for signs of negative impacts.
  • Ensure gaming doesn’t interfere with sleep, homework, chores, family time and real world friends.
  • Set a good example by managing your own screen time healthily.

Guidance for Different Ages

The appropriate amount of permitted gameplay varies significantly by age. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Younger than 6 years: Avoid electronic games for this age group, with exceptions for high quality educational apps used with parental involvement. Focus on creative physical play.
  • Elementary school: Limit to 1 hour of gaming on school days at most. Play alongside kids to guide them.
  • Middle school: Allow 1-2 hours on school nights, 2-3 hours per day on weekends. Strongly restrict mature games.
  • High school: Set 2 hour limits on weeknights, 3 hours day on weekends. Continue monitoring for excessive use.


Video games provide enjoyment, challenges and social connections for kids. In moderation, age-appropriate gaming can have cognitive benefits too. But excessive, unfettered use clearly risks negative health impacts. By setting reasonable limits, monitoring play, and promoting balance, parents can ensure gaming remains a fun, healthy childhood activity. The key is finding the right equilibrium between gaming time and other activities for your unique child’s needs.

Why Running Is Important: 10 Benefits for Your Health

Running is one of the simplest yet most beneficial forms of exercise. Getting into a regular running routine provides both physical and mental health benefits. Here are 10 reasons why running is so important for your overall well-being.

1. Strengthens Your Heart

Running improves cardiovascular fitness by strengthening your heart muscle. As you run, your heart works harder to pump blood and oxygen to your muscles. Over time, your heart grows stronger and more efficient. A stronger heart can pump more blood with every beat and reduce your resting heart rate.

2. Reduces Blood Pressure

The physiological demands of running lead to better blood circulation and can help lower high blood pressure. Running just 5-10 minutes daily has been shown to reduce blood pressure over time in individuals with hypertension.

3. Burns Calories

Running is a highly effective way to burn calories quickly. A 155 pound person can burn around 100 calories per mile run. Regular running helps manage weight by increasing your daily calorie expenditure. It’s an important component of any weight loss regimen.

4. Builds Stronger Bones

The impact from running strengthens bones by promoting new bone tissue growth. Runners have been shown to have up to 40% greater bone mineral density compared to sedentary individuals. Running makes bones stronger and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

5. Prevents Disease

Studies show that running and other aerobic exercise helps prevent chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. Running lowers inflammation which can contribute to these diseases.

6. Increases Lifespan

Runners tend to live longer than non-runners according to research. The healthy benefits running provides reduces mortality risk and promotes longevity. Adding regular running to your routine can increase your lifespan.

7. Boosts Mental Health

Running releases feel-good endorphins that enhance your mood. It relieves stress and anxiety. Running can aid in treating depression and addictions. The mental benefits also improve self-esteem and cognitive function.

8. Improves Sleep Quality

Exercising regularly helps you sleep better at night. Running tires your body making it easier to fall and stay asleep. Getting proper sleep is vital for concentration, productivity, and overall wellness.

9. Saves Money on Medical Costs

Staying physically active with running can save thousands in lifetime medical expenses. Preventing disease through exercise reduces your risk of needing costly treatments. Running is a cost-effective health investment.

10. Provides Quality Social Time

Running groups are a great way to meet people and make friends with common interests. Bonding through running can enhance relationships and provide accountability. Social running can enrich your personal life.

In summary, making running a habit provides measurable benefits for your physical health, mental health, finances, and social life. Challenging your body with regular running leads to a longer, healthier, and happier life. So lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement to reap the rewards.

10 Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is one of the most important daily habits for maintaining good oral health and hygiene. Here are 10 reasons why you should brush your teeth regularly:

1. Prevent Cavities and Tooth Decay

Brushing your teeth helps remove food particles and plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that produce acids that eat away at tooth enamel and cause cavities. Regular brushing prevents plaque buildup and protects your teeth from decay.

2. Freshen Breath

Food particles left on your teeth start to decay and release foul odors that cause bad breath. Brushing cleans your mouth and leaves you with fresh, minty breath.

3. Reduce Risk of Gum Disease

Plaque buildup can also irritate and inflame your gums, leading to gingivitis and periodontitis. Brushing removes plaque along and below your gumline to keep your gums healthy.

4. Prevent Tartar Buildup

If plaque is not removed, it hardens into tartar that cannot be removed with regular brushing. Tartar Above The Gumline (Supragingival) and tartar below the gumline is more problematic. Brushing minimizes tartar buildup.

5. Whiten Teeth

Some toothpastes contain mild abrasives and whitening agents to help remove surface stains on teeth. Brushing with a whitening toothpaste can gradually lighten tooth discoloration over time.

6. Remove Food Particles

After eating, food particles get stuck between teeth. If left there, these particles promote bacterial growth and decay. Brushing removes debris and cleans teeth thoroughly after meals.

7. Promote Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Getting into a consistent brushing routine encourages other good oral hygiene habits like flossing and mouthwash use. It instills discipline to take care of your teeth.

8. Prevent Oral Health Problems

Poor oral hygiene has been linked to many health issues like respiratory infections, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes complications. Brushing is essential for preventing these problems.

9. Have Fresh Breath for Social Interactions

Halitosis or bad breath can be embarrassing in social situations. Brushing your teeth helps you make a good impression with fresh breath when interacting with others.

10. Reduce Dental Bills

Good brushing habits lead to better oral health, reducing the risk of expensive dental procedures, fillings, and other treatments. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

In conclusion, brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste is one of the easiest ways to maintain good dental health. It keeps your teeth and gums healthy, breathes fresh, prevents decay and disease, and saves on dental bills. So be sure to brush diligently for the well-being of your teeth and overall health.

Why Jax Is Overpowered in League of Legends?

Jax has been a powerful pick in League of Legends for a long time, and many players feel he is overpowered right now. As a scaling hyper-carry champion that excels at both splitting and teamfighting, Jax poses problems for opponents in the current meta. Let’s break down some of the key reasons why Jax is overtuned:

Insane Scaling

Jax is one of the hardest scaling champions in League, gaining massive damage and survivability from his kit and items as the game goes on. His innate ability, Grandmaster’s Might, gives him bonus armor and magic resist for building attack damage and ability power respectively.

This combined with his ultimate, Grandmaster’s Might, provides him with immense resistances in the late game. Items like Trinity Force, Blade of the Ruined King and Sterak’s Gage synergize incredibly well with his kit, making him practically unstoppable in the side lane past 30 minutes. Even when behind, he can farm his way back into relevance.

Powerful Dueling

Very few champions can go toe-to-toe with a late game Jax. Not only does he have the damage to shred through even the tankiest foes, but his Counter Strike ability allows him to avoid enemy basic attacks for 2 seconds. This gives him a strong edge in 1v1 duels, allowing him to outplay his opponent’s damage.

His leap ability also grants him burst damage and helps him stick to his targets. Once Jax gets ahead, he’s nearly impossible to deal with split pushing.

Versatile Build Paths

Jax’s flexible nature lets him tailor his build to each game. If ahead, he can build damage to explode squishies. If behind, he can opt for tankier items to stay relevant in fights. Items like Hextech Gunblade, Shojin, and Titanic Hydra give him a wide range of offensive options, while Spirit Visage and Guardian Angel shore up his durability.

This build versatility combined with his scaling means Jax always has carry potential, able to output big damage even with just 1-2 damage items. Other top laners lack his flexibility.

Strong Teamfighting

Unlike some split pushers, Jax retains a lot of value in 5v5 teamfights. By leaping onto the backline and stunning priority targets, he can wreak havoc on enemy carries. His AoE damage from Counter Strike and Titanic Hydra also dish out pain.

With his resistances from ultimate, Jax stays deceptively hard to take down in teamfights. His flexibility allows him to excel in nearly all phases of the game.

Limited Counterplay

Jax’s primary weakness is supposed to be early game, but with the right summoner spells and runes, he can safely farm or even bully weaker top laners. Additionally, his Counter Strike and leap give him ways to outplay aggressive junglers. Once he hits core items, he truly lacks glaring flaws.

The combination of mobility, damage, and durability in his kit makes him a nightmare for squishies that rely on kiting him. Shutting a fed Jax down requires immense coordination and vision control. In solo queue, this level of teamwork is rare, making his weaknesses easier to exploit.

High Pro Presence

Jax enjoys one of the highest pro presence rates among top laners in seasons past and present. His global 66% pro pick/ban rate shows how respected his power is at the highest levels of play. Most metas suit him well due to his self-reliance as a split pusher and flexible build paths.

With pros unwilling to allow opponents Jax, it illustrates how threatening his kit is compared to other bruisers. He warps draft strategy and can single-handedly win games if not contained.


In summary, Jax overpowers foes with insane late game scaling, potent dueling, versatile builds, impactful teamfighting and limited counterplay. His pro presence also reveals the respect and caution pros have for his capabilities. To bring Jax in line, tuning down his early safety and late game resistances could open more windows of vulnerability without gutting his core design. But for now, Jax remains a dominant force few top laners can stand against once he hits his power spikes. He is truly the Grandmaster at Arms.